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Monday, September 8, 2014

INSIDE JOB - Required watching for non institutional financial traders

Despite the existence of many urban myths, including many "big brother" scenarios, there are many things that are in fact, plainly and simply, JUST FACTS.

The movie "Inside Job" is a documentary that precisely shows the true facts leading up to the financial crisis of 2008. It should be required watching for any non-institutional trader before even attempting to try the wild frontier of financial trading.

Keep in mind while watching, that while the financial instruments referenced in the movie are substantial in themselves, the forex market, with more than $4 TRILLION moving DAILY is one, ripe with opportunities to rip off the unsuspecting trader.

It's an eye opener to the sheer greed that exists in the markets where the players just have no sense of ethics at all.

Make no mistake about it. They WILL eat you alive.

Here's the IMDB page for the movie

And the official site for the movie

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